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Pomsky Generation – What is an F1, F2, F1B, and F1X?

The Pomsky, otherwise known as the Pomeranian Husky, comes is in all different shapes and sizes. One of the most confusing topics for people new to the Pomsky breed is the topic of Pomsky “Generations”.

In fact, it’s such a confusing topic that we asked one of our members, Mischa of Brookside Pomsky, to provide a detailed breakdown of the various generations of the Pomsky. This article is brought to you from Mischa Nelson, the owner of Brookside Pomsky, one of the most knowledgeable breeders we know. You can see this article and more from Brookside Pomsky in their blog about F1, F2, F3, F1B, and F1X Pomskies.

Pomsky Generations

We frequently get asked about the difference between F1, F2, F3, F1B, and F1X Pomskies? Below is a description of each.

F1 Pomsky

An F1 Pomsky is when the Mother of the Pomsky is a Husky and the Father is a Pomeranian. This shouldn’t ever be reversed , the mother should always be bigger.

F2 Pomsky

An F2 Pomsky is when both parents, the mother and the father of the Pomsky, are F1 Pomskies. This means the grandmother is a Husky and the Grandfather is a Pomeranian .

F3 Pomsky

An F3 Pomsky is from one of the below scenarios:

  • The mother and the father of the Pomsky are F2 Pomskies
  • The mother is an F2 Pomsky and the father is an F4 or F5 Pomsky (this is still considered and F3 Pomsky)
  • The father is an F2 Pomsky and the mother is an F4 or F5 Pomsky (this is still considered and F3 Pomsky)

See the chart pictured below for reference.

F1b Pomsky

An F1b Pomsky, the B stands for backcross when an F1 Pomsky crosses with a purebred Pomeranian or Siberian Husky. This means the Pomsky offspring is either 75% Pomeranian and 25% Siberian Husky, or 25% Pomeranian and 75% Husky.

Remember, the mother should always be bigger for the dogs safety.

F1X Pomsky

An F1X is when a Pomsky is crossed with an American Eskimo dog and or German Spitz. You can have both breeds or just one breed crossed with a Pomsky in order for it to be considered an f1x

Pomsky Generation Differences

I’m often asked, “is an F2 or F3 Pomsky smaller than an F1 Pomsky?

No. The Pomsky generation does not guarantee size. The size of a Pomsky is generally based on the size of the parents, however you can still get a large Pomsky (when full grown) from  small Pomsky parents. You can also get a small Pomsky as an offspring of large Pomsky parents. This is because a Pomsky is bred from small (4-7 lbs) Pomeranian with a big (35-51) Siberian Husky.

A good breeder wont guarantee size, but they can tell you a Pomsky puppies expected adult weight based on current weight, past puppies, and experience. As an example, at Brookside Pomsky we had two F2 puppies leave our home at 8 weeks old, both weighing 3 lbs. Their full grown weights were very different. One ended up full grown weighing only 12 lbs, and the other weighed 22 lbs when full grown. Both dogs where completely healthy, and while this could be a case of over feeding or free feeding, that was not the case in this scenario. This goes to show that the size of a Pomsky can vary.

I have seen a 20lb F1B Pomsky (remember, this is a 75% Husky & 25% Pomeranian). This is not common, but its possible. I also own a couple F1 Pomskies that weigh about 15 lbs full grown, and F1 Pomskies that weigh 25-30 lbs full grown. Pomskies come in a large variety of sizes.

Pomsky Generation Chart

Pomsky Generation Chart - F1 Pomsky F2 Pomsky F3 Pomsky

Find Your Pomsky

Remember to download our list of approved Pomsky breeders (including Brookside Pomsky) to ensure you find the perfect Pomsky from a reputable Pomsky breeder. We will also tell you every time a Pomsky is available from an approved POA breeder near you!


Special Thanks

A special thank you to Mischa Nelson of Brookside Pomsky for writing this wonderful article on an important topic. If you are looking for a Pomsky, I highly recommend reaching out to Mischa. She is one of the top breeders in the Pomsky community. You can contact Mischa through any of the below methods:

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  • Katie Bordessa says:

    Hi Jake – really great and helpful article. So if I breed an F1b Pomsky female to a Pomeranian male what would the babies be classed as? Would they still be F1b babies then also or would that then be F2b babies? Just the breed chart didn’t seem to cover F1b x Pom unless I have misread something. I would greatly appreciate your further advice here. Thank you.

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